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New York:  Infection Control and Barrier Precautions

4.0 Credits/Contact Hours  |  $29.00

Course Description

The Infection Control Training offered by the New York State Department of Health and State Education Department is specifically designed to equip health professionals with the essential skills to mitigate the risk of infectious disease transmission in their workplace. The training focuses on proper utilization of biosecurity tools and implementation of fundamental protocols for cleaning, disinfection, and sterilization of both materials and work environments. By completing this course, licensed, registered, or certified health professionals gain a comprehensive understanding of how bloodborne pathogens can spread within the work environment, including transmission from patients to healthcare workers, from healthcare workers to patients, and from patient to patient. The training adheres to current scientifically accepted principles of infection prevention and control.


We have partnered with continuing education industry expert, Premiere Education, to offer the best course experience to our New York professionals.

Intended Audience

Chapter 786 of the Laws of 1992, enacted in August 1992, introduced a mandate for specific healthcare professionals holding licenses in New York State. According to this legislation, these professionals are required to undergo infection control and barrier precautions training by July 1994, and subsequently every four years, unless exempted. The professionals covered by this requirement include dental hygienists, dentists, licensed practical nurses, optometrists, physicians, physician assistants, podiatrists, registered professional nurses, specialist assistants, medical students, medical residents, and physician assistant students.

Course Details

Credit/Contact Hours




Amy Adkins-Dwivedi, MS, APRN


Development Team

Trisha Moreno





Instructional Methods

Assessment Review​

Case Studies

Narrated Slides

Ungraded Self Assessment-Lesson Recall

Video Clips



Autograded & Quiz Retakes Allowed

Graded Lesson Mini Quizzes

Passing 80%+


Approved/Accepted By

New York Department of Health

New York State Education Department

Learning Objectives

  • Familiarize oneself with the standards of professional conduct in infection prevention and control practices

  • Understand the responsibility of healthcare workers to adhere to scientifically accepted principles and practices of infection prevention, monitor compliance with infection control protocols, and recognize the consequences of non-compliance

  • Learn about the transmission of pathogenic organisms in healthcare settings, prevention strategies, and the application of infection control concepts in professional practice

  • Define healthcare-associated disease transmission, engineering controls, safe injection practices, and work practice control

  • Identify high-risk practices and procedures that increase the chances of healthcare worker and patient exposure to potentially infectious material

  • Describe measures to prevent the transmission of bloodborne pathogens, including from patient to patient, healthcare worker to patient, and patient to healthcare worker via contaminated injection equipment

  • Recognize work practice controls that eliminate the transmission of bloodborne pathogens during the use of sharp instruments and can prevent patient exposure to such pathogens

  • Understand the steps to be followed in evaluating, diagnosing, and responding to accidents involving exposure to infected biological material

  • Identify specific barriers, personal protective equipment, and circumstances for protecting patients and healthcare workers from exposure to potentially infectious material

  • Define terms related to contamination, cleaning, disinfection levels, and medical devices

  • Recognize the importance of proper reprocessing methods to ensure the safety and integrity of patient care equipment and prevent the transmission of bloodborne pathogens

  • Understand the professional responsibility of maintaining a safe patient care environment in all healthcare settings and the role of occupational health strategies in protecting healthcare workers and patients

  • Recognize non-specific disease findings that should prompt the evaluation of healthcare workers

  • Identify occupational health strategies for preventing the transmission of bloodborne pathogens and other communicable diseases in healthcare workers, as well as resources for evaluating healthcare workers infected with HIV, HBV, and/or HCV

  • Describe and identify the risk factors, early signs, and symptoms of sepsis, as well as when to seek medical evaluation for sepsis, and recognize the role of the NYS Sepsis Improvement Initiative.

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